General terms of use

                                 General terms of use


Welcome to
Rule 1 - How to register on
Rule 2 - How to use
Rule 3 - Privacy and protection of member data.
Rule 4 - Intellectual property
Rule 5 - Termination
Rule 6 - Liability and guarantee
Rule 7 - Agreement between the member and
Rule 8 - Modifications of or the conditions of use

Welcome to
By becoming a member of you agree to abide by all the conditions listed below. Filipinvibes reserves the right to withdraw, without warning, the profile of any person who does not comply with one of the following conditions.
The Filipinvibes member is only accessible to people over 18 years old.
To be a Member of Filipinvibes, you must be a natural person, at least 18 years old, have completed all the mandatory fields appearing in the Filipinvibes registration forms and have read and accepted these terms and conditions used when registering.
Minors, aged 16 and 17 can register on Filipinvibes after obtaining prior authorization from the person(s) competent to exercise parental authority. Filipinvibes reserves the right to request written justification at any time. Being reminded that it is up to the parents or legal guardian to monitor the use made by their child(ren) of the Services offered, Filipinvibes may immediately delete any Minor User Account that has not obtained the authorization of his (her) legal guardian(s) or whose parents request the closure of the Account.
The Member guarantees that the data he communicates is accurate and in conformity with reality. Filipinvibes reserves the right to ask any Member to prove his informations and identity and to terminate any Account of a Member who has provided false information when creating his Account or who does not respect his obligations described in these conditions of use or the laws and regulations in force. The Member undertakes to inform Filipinvibes without delay in the event of any modification to the data he provided when registering or, where applicable, to make these modifications himself within his personal space on the Site.
Registration for one or more Filipinvibes services as well as the use of this site implies full acceptance of these terms by the Member. By checking the box designating the phrase "I confirm that I have read and approved the rules (CGU)" located at the bottom of the registration page to validate it, the Member acknowledges that he is bound by all the provisions of these Terms of use. 


Filipinvibes is a website available at http://www.
Member(s) (visitor or Promoter) means all users of the Filipinvibes service who have registered and accepted these rules.


To be a Member of Filipinvibes, you must be a natural person, at least 18 years old representing a physically represented space and have completed all the mandatory fields appearing in the Filipinvibes registration forms and have read and accepted these terms of use when you register.

To register on Filipinvibes as a visitor, minors aged 16 and 17 must obtain prior authorization from the person(s) competent to exercise parental authority. Filipinvibes reserves the right to request written justification at any time. Being reminded that it is up to the parents or legal guardian to monitor the use made by their child(ren) of the Services offered, Filipinvibes may immediately delete any Minor User Account that has not obtained the authorization of his (her) legal guardian(s) or whose parents request the closure of the Account.
The Member (space) guarantees that the data it communicates is accurate and consistent with reality. He undertakes to inform Filipinvibes without delay in the event of any modification of the data he provided when registering and, if necessary, to make the said modifications himself.
When the conditions necessary for registration are met, each Member has a username (his e-mail address) and a password, which are strictly personal and confidential and which must not be communicated or shared with third. Under no circumstances can Filipinvibes be responsible for the loss of its identifiers and/or passwords by the Member.
In the event that a Member distributes or uses these elements contrary to their intended purpose, Filipinvibes reserves the right to terminate the Member's account without notice.
The Member shall be solely responsible for the use of these identification elements by third parties or for actions or declarations made through his account, whether fraudulent or not. It guarantees Filipinvibes against any claim in this regard. Moreover, Filipinvibes does not have the means to ensure the identity of people registering for its services, Filipinvibes is not responsible in the event of the usurpation of the identity of a Member. If the Member has reason to believe that a person is using his identification elements or his account, he must immediately inform Filipinvibes.
Filipinvibes reserves the right to modify at any time a file of a Member who does not respect the rules of good conduct. In addition, the Member authorizes babidjafoule to distribute on its website the photos and videos where it is there during each event sponsored, organized or sponsored by Filipinvibes. The Member (space) also authorizes Filipinvibes to publish his photo for an infinite period in the Tops members section if he ever wins the monthly contest. The Member authorizes Filipinvibes to send him any type of offer or promotion concerning the site in his internal inbox.
When a Member wishes to provide Filipinvibes with the contact details of a third party, he undertakes to have previously obtained from the latter the consent to the processing of his data by Filipinvibes. He is also exclusively liable to Filipinvibes of this third party, for the consequences of the transmission to Filipinvibes of his contact details.
Filipinvibes reserves the right to delete the accounts of members who have not used the service for a period greater than or equal to 6 months, or if they have still not come to their account 10 days after their registration without any notice. The end date of use of the service taken into account for the calculation of the duration of the period is defined as follows: the date of the last connection to the Filipinvibes service.

Rule  2- USE

Once registered, the Member has access to the services (free or not depending on the subscription to a subscription or not) available on Filipinvibes. In the context of the use of the services, the Member undertakes in particular to respect the following rules:
Comply with applicable laws and respect the rights of third parties.
Do not choose any pseudonym with a vulgar, violent, racist or pedophile connotation and do not contravene any of the regulations in force. Filipinvibes will refuse any pseudonym that goes against the regulations issued.
Do not use Filipinvibes for professional or commercial purposes (prospecting, soliciting or prostitution), or for the purpose of bringing members together for any event without the prior written consent of the founders of the site.
Do not post or distribute in any form whatsoever information or content that conforms to reality.
Not to make comments or disseminate in any form whatsoever content that contravenes the rights of others or is defamatory, abusive, obscene, offensive, violent or inciting violence, political, racist or xenophobic and in general any content contrary to the purpose of Filipinvibes, laws and regulations in force. In particular, photos, videos and any information, data or files provided by a Member to Filipinvibes must be decent and relate exclusively to the Member. Put a recent main photo of himself or your space or else not provide one. He can also submit up to twelve secondary photos. Under no circumstances should the photos put be pornographic or simply incite violence, war, or in general, any thought contrary to the spirit of the site. The administrators of Filipinvibes reserve the right to modify the photos of the members who do not correspond to the image of the site without any notice, even deactivating or deleting the accounts in extreme cases.
Not to post or distribute in any form whatsoever information or content that has the effect of diminishing, disorganizing, preventing the normal use of the services, interrupting and/or slowing down the normal flow of communications between Members through the Services, such as software, viruses, logic bombs, mass mailing, etc. Filipinvibes reserves the right to delete messages that are sent massively by members in order to preserve a normal quality of use of the service with other members. The transmission of any form of unsolicited message that could be interpreted as an advertising flyer is prohibited.
Do not post or distribute in any form whatsoever information or content incorporating links to other sites of an illegal nature, contrary to good times and/or not in accordance with the purpose of Filipinvibes.
Do not post messages violating the rights of third parties (in particular intellectual or industrial property rights such as trademarks, designs, models, patents, know-how, etc.); the laws and regulations in force in Côte d'Ivoire, in his country of residence or in the country where his data is intended to be received. Without prejudice to the "Termination" provisions, in the event of a breach by a Member of one or more of these rules, Filipinvibes reserves the right to delete the accounts of the Members concerned, to automatically delete contentious messages, to prevent the publication of all or part of a Member's profile, and/or to block his access to all or part of the services, temporarily or permanently, without consideration, compensation or possible reimbursement without any notice. Filipinvibes cannot be held responsible for false declarations made by a Member. It is therefore important to take certain precautions when meeting with another Member. Filipinvibes disclaims all liability during meetings between Members of Filipinvibes, on Filipinvibes or during meetings between Members and/or non-members, following the use of its site and its services. In this context, Filipinvibes reminds its Members that it may be recommended to warn a close person and to prefer a public place (café, restaurant, etc.) for a first meeting.


Filipinvibes complies with the most stringent privacy protection standards and has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés. Certain information or content (photography or video) that Members may provide on an optional basis may, under the responsibility of the Member concerned, reveal the Member's ethnic origin, nationality, religion and/or sexual orientation. By providing such information, the Member concerned expressly consents to the processing of this data by Filipinvibes and takes sole responsibility for it. Pursuant to Law No. 2013-451 of June 19, 2013 relating to the fight against cybercrime, the Member has the rights. The Member may demand that any information concerning him that is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous or outdated be rectified, completed, clarified, updated or deleted. Each Member can therefore by e-mail by filling out the contact form, taking care to indicate their personal identifiers, access or request access to information concerning them in order to have them modified or deleted.
1-Reason for the information collected
The Member is required to provide information about him when he registers for the service, he participates in a contest, he answers a survey, he participates in chats. Sometimes certain information is required to participate in the service.
2 - Type of information collected
Personal information collected by Filipinvibes may include names, postal and/or email address, landline and/or mobile telephone number, banking and financial information, physical appearance information, photograph, voice announcement, video, personal values, centers interest and personal use of the service. In addition, certain non-personal information may be collected such as the Member's or any user's browser version (Netscape, Internet Explorer, etc.), the type of operating system used (Windows 98, Mac Os, etc.) and the IP address of the computer used. Filipinvibes is likely to use cookies, intended to store information identifying the Member during the consultation of Filipinvibes in order to avoid him having to enter them manually on each page consulted. However, the Member has the possibility of preventing the use of cookies by modifying the options of his Internet browsing software.

3 - Who has access to this information?
1. The information collected about a Member when registering with Filipinvibes and subscribing to our services is used to provide our various services. All precautions have been taken on our databases to archive your information in a secure environment. Only some of our employees have access to this information, which is accessible to them only when needed.
2. Filipinvibes is likely to send Members, unless they object, promotional offers from some of its partners without their information being sent to them.
3. Filipinvibes may sometimes share general socio-demographic information that does not identify names with selected partners to allow them to target their advertisements (by age categories, gender, etc.). In these cases, Filipinvibes does not send them information that would allow them to identify its Members.
4. The information composing the announcements and the presentation of the Members is accessible on Filipinvibes, on the Web, by our e-mail In addition, they are likely to be distributed to people interested in Filipinvibes, by the through email or third-party websites.


1 - Content distributed by Filipinvibes
The trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos and texts contained on the site www. are the intellectual property of the Founders of this one and consequently cannot be reproduced, used or represented under penalty of legal proceedings. The rights of use granted by Filipinvibes to the Member are strictly limited to access, downloading, printing, reproduction on all media (hard disk, diskette, CD-ROM, etc.) and use of these materials for private and personal use in connection with and for the duration of Filipinvibes membership. Any other use by the Member is prohibited without the authorization of Filipinvibes. In particular, the Member is prohibited from modifying, copying, reproducing, downloading, distributing, transmitting, commercially exploiting and/or distributing in any way whatsoever the services, the pages of the site www., or the computer codes of the elements making up the services and the site www.
2 - Content distributed by Members
Filipinvibes has a license to use the intellectual property rights attached to the content provided by Members for distribution on the website. This license includes in particular the right for Filipinvibes to reproduce and represent the content concerning the Member (information, images, videos, etc.), on all or part of the site And/or in Filipinvibes mailings. Finally, this license allows Filipinvibes to modify the said content in order to respect the graphic charter of the site and/or to make it compatible with its technical performance. The Member is prohibited from copying, reproducing, or otherwise using the content relating to other Members other than for the strict needs of using the services for personal and private purposes.


Each Member may terminate their registration with Filipinvibes at any time and without reason in the section of the site www. dedicated to this purpose. Without prejudice to the other provisions herein, in the event of a breach by the Member of these terms of use, Filipinvibes reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Member's account without notice or refund and/or to take legal action against against him. This termination will take place automatically and without prejudice to any damages that may be claimed by Filipinvibes in compensation for the damage suffered as a result of such breaches.

1 - Information and content provided by Members
The information provided by a separate Member without any Filipinvibes notice must be accurate and consistent with reality. The consequences of their disclosure on his life and/or that of other Members are the sole responsibility of the Member concerned. Filipinvibes cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or inaccuracy of the information and content provided by other Members, and/or visitors to the site. Similarly, Filipinvibes cannot be held responsible for content posted by a Member that may infringe the rights of one or more other Members. In the event that Filipinvibes is held liable for a breach by a Member of the obligations incumbent on him under the terms of the law or these conditions of use, the latter undertakes to guarantee Filipinvibes against any condemnation pronounced against against him, this guarantee covering both the indemnities that may be paid and the lawyer's fees and legal costs that may be charged to him.

2 - Operation of the Filipinvibes site and services
The Member must have the skills, hardware and software required for the use of the Internet, or where applicable, Internet, telephone services by Audiotel or SMS or telephone and acknowledge that the characteristics and constraints of the Internet do not allow not guarantee the security, availability and integrity of data transmissions over the Internet. Under these conditions, Filipinvibes does not guarantee that the services will operate without interruption or operating error. In particular, their operation may be temporarily interrupted for maintenance, updates or technical improvements, or to change the content and/or their presentation. As far as possible, Filipinvibes will inform its Members prior to a maintenance or update operation. The Member waives the right to seek Filipinvibes' liability for the functioning and operation of the services. Similarly, Filipinvibes cannot also be held responsible for non-functioning, impossibility of access, or poor conditions of use of the Filipinvibes site attributable to unsuitable equipment, internal malfunctions of the supplier of Member's access, Internet congestion, and for any other reasons external to Filipinvibes.

3 - Links from the website www.
May provide or third parties may include links to other websites or other Internet sources. Insofar as Filipinvibes cannot control these sites and these external sources, it cannot be held responsible for the provision of these sites and external sources, and cannot bear any responsibility for their content, advertising, products, services. or any other element available on or from these sites or external sources. Any difficulty relating to a link must be submitted to the administrator or webmaster of the site in question. It is also recalled that the consultation and/or use of these sites and external sources are governed by their own conditions of use. Finally, if in the context of a search conducted on the Filipinvibes site, the result thereof led the Member to point to sites, pages or forums whose title and/or content constitute a violation of French law , the Member is invited to interrupt his consultation of the site concerned at the risk of seeing his liability engaged.

4 - Limitation of liability
Filipinvibes will in no way be liable for consequential damages suffered by the Member and in particular for loss of data (including copies) or recordings made by the Member, it being up to the Member to make backup copies.

These conditions of use, as well as the pages of the site www. referred to herein constitute a contract governing the relationship between the Member and Filipinvibes. They cancel and replace all previous provisions not expressly referred to or appended and constitute all the rights and obligations of Filipinvibes and the Member relating to their subject. It is possible that some members will send or transmit offensive or obscene language and material about Filipinvibes and anyone may be unwittingly exposed to it. It is also possible that some members obtain personal information about other members, due to a use of the services of Filipinvibes and that this person uses this information for the purpose of insulting or harassing. Filipinvibes is not responsible for interactions between Members and/or any personal information that a Member decides to exchange through its services. The Member must carefully select the type of information that he sends to the Filipinvibes site or to other Members. The Member should not hesitate to contact the Filipinvibes service if he feels that he has been abused. Filipinvibes cannot provide any guarantee as to the encounters that may result from the use of its services. No pre-selection of members is carried out and the service is open to all.


Filipinvibes reserves the right to modify or develop the pages of the site www., the Services, their prices or the terms of use applicable to them. These changes will come into force as soon as they are posted on the website www., without prejudice to the right of any Member to terminate their membership in Filipinvibes. Otherwise, the Member is deemed to have accepted these changes by continuing to use the site www. or the Services. Members are therefore invited to consult the most recent version online on the site. The Member's presence on the site implies full acceptance of any revision or modification.