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Malapascua Island-Cebu

Geographically, Malapascua is a Philippine island situated in the Visayan Sea, 6.8 kilometres across a shallow strait from the northernmost tip of Cebu Island. Administratively, it is part of the peninsular barangay of Logon, Daanbantayan, Cebu. Malapascua is a small island, only about 2.5 by 1 kilometre, and has eight hamlets.

Malapascua Island is a wonderful quiet tropical Island featuring long white sandy beaches, coconut trees and crystal clear water. It is known in the Philippines and worldwide for being one of the few places on Earth where you can spot the very rare Thresher Shark!

Located in the northern part of Cebu in the Philippines, it is a top ecotourism destination because of its unique offer: diving with thresher sharks. Malapascua Island is the only place in the world where you can dive with thresher sharks nearly on a daily basis in their natural habitat.

Travel time from Cebu City to New Maya Port is around 4 hours. From there, you can hop on a boat going to Malapascua Island. The boat ride is between 30 minutes and 1 hour long. The earliest boat leaves at 6:30 AM while the last boat leaves at 4:30 PM.

I am not a diver, so I was not able to enjoy the amazing adventure of diving with the Thresher Sharks but my Malapascua experience has always left a special memory in my heart. The island is still very laid back. You can rent a motorbike and tour the entire island in a day. Afterwhich, you can run to the beach front and just watch the sun go down. This experience is so needed especially when you are so overwhelmed by the city lights. Malapascua is always on my list of places that I want to revisit next to Coron.

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